Friday, October 2, 2015

History of computers: 3000 BC

History of Computers: 3000 BC to Present

History of Computers - Long, Long Ago
The Abacus
  • beads on rods to count and calculate
  • still widely used in Asia!

History of Computers - Way Back When
The Slide Rule 1630
  • based on Napier’s rules for logarithms
  • used until 1970s

History of Computers - 19th Century
Jacquard Loom
  • used metal cards with punched holes to guide weaving process
  • first stored program - metal cards
  • first computer manufacturing
  • still in use today!
Charles Babbage - 1792-1871
Difference Engine c.1822
  • huge calculator, never finished
Analytical Engine 1833
  • could store numbers
  • calculating "mill" used punched metal cards for instructions
  • powered by steam!
  • accurate to six decimal places
Babbage's Analytical Engine

Ada Augusta - First Programmer
  • Worked with Charles Babbage
  • Programmed Analytical Engine

Discussion Question
  • What was the biggest advance that led to modern computers?
  • Electricity
  • Transistor
  • Microchip
  • Data storage
Vacuum Tubes - 1930 - 1950s
  • First Generation Electronic Computers used Vacuum Tubes
  • Vacuum tubes are glass tubes with circuits inside.
  • Vacuum tubes have no air inside of them, which protects the circuitry.
UNIVAC - 1951
  • First commercially available computer
  • sold to censu bureau
  • "a big pocket calculator"
  • until 1970 was standard computer, but very expensive
Grace Hopper
  • Programmed UNIVAC
  • Recipient of Computer Science’s first "Man of the Year Award"
First Computer Bug - 1945
  • Relay cards carried information
  • Grace Hopper found an actual moth stuck to card responsible for a malfunction
  • Called it "debugging" a computer
First computer bug is a moth
First Transistor
  • Uses Silicon
  • developed in 1948
  • won a Nobel prize
  • on-off switch
  • Second Generation Computers used Transistors, starting in 1956

Integrated Circuits

  • Third Generation Computers used Integrated Circuits (chips).
  • Integrated Circuits are transistors, resistors, and capacitors integrated together into a single “chip”

Birth of Personal Computers -
Kenbak I - 1971
  • Very primitive, just flashing lights and buttons
  • about $750
MITS Altair - 1975 (pictured)
  • 256 byte memory
  • 2 MHz Intel 8080 chips
  • Just a box with flashing lights
  • cost $395 kit, $495 assembled.

The First Microprocessor - 1971

  • The Intel 4004 had 2,250 transistors
  • four-bit chunks (four 1’s or 0’s)
  • 108Khz
  • 0.6 Mips (million instructions/sec)
  • Pentium 133 - 300 Mips
  • Called "Microchip"
Inside the Intel 4004 Microchip - 2250 Transistors 
Inside the Intel 4004 - 2250 Transistors 
Generations of Electronic Computers
Second Gen.IIThird Gen.IIIFourth Gen.IV
TechnologyVacuum TubesTransistorsIntegrated Circuits (multiple transistors)Microchips (millions of transistors)
SizeFilled Whole BuildingsFilled half a roomSmallerTiny - Palm Pilot is as powerful as old building sized computer


Over the past 50 years, the Electronic Computer has evolved rapidly.
  • Using the following advancements, draw an "evolutionary chart" of how computers evolved:
    • vacuum tube
    • integrated circuit
    • transistor
    • microchip
IBM PC - 1981
  • IBM-Intel-Microsoft joint venture
  • First wide-selling personal computer used in business
  • 8088 Microchip - 29,000 transistors
  • 4.77 Mhz processing speed
  • 256 K RAM (Random Access Memory) standard
  • One or two floppy disk drives
Apple Computers


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  3. Ada banyak visi tentang bagaimana mencapai pertanian berkelanjutan yang menyediakan makanan dan jasa ekosistem yang cukup untuk generasi sekarang dan masa depan di era perubahan iklim, peningkatan biaya energi, keresahan sosial, ketidakstabilan keuangan dan peningkatan degradasi lingkungan. Sistem pertanian baru yang mampu menghadapi tantangan dunia yang berubah dengan cepat membutuhkan minimal sepuluh atribut yang merupakan elemen penentu dari Pertanian Hijau. Tantangan utama adalah untuk mengidentifikasi serangkaian ambang yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap strategi produksi pertanian, di luar itu tren yang tidak berkelanjutan yang disebabkan oleh teknologi pertanian akan mengarah pada fenomena titik kritis. Hanya gaya pertanian yang memenuhi kriteria ambang batas yang ditetapkan sambil memajukan masyarakat pedesaan menuju pangan, energi, dan kedaulatan teknologi yang akan dianggap sebagai bentuk Pertanian Hijau yang layak. Mempertimbangkan keragaman konteks ekologi, sosio-ekonomi, sejarah dan politik di mana sistem pertanian telah berkembang dan berkembang, adalah bijaksana untuk menetapkan seperangkat prinsip yang fleksibel dan dapat diadaptasi secara lokal dan batas-batas keberlanjutan dan ketahanan untuk agroekosistem masa depan segera. cek juga yukusaha dan Cara Ternak Kelinci
